Friday, June 27, 2008

Farewell Twenty-five.

So this is my very last week of being 25.

I will miss 25. It has been a great year. Lots has happened. I started a new job that I love, I did some travelling, made some new friends, learned some new things, and just had some really good times.

Soon I will be 26. I think that 26 is the perfect age. My friend Tina and I have had many discussions about this. When you are 26, you can be married with a couple kids and it's fine. If you're single and just doing the working and having fun thing, it's fine. You are a few more years out of college, so you are taken a bit more seriously by your bosses and colleagues. It's really, a perfect age.

Turning 27, however?? I am terrified. But I have a year. No worries. Plenty of time to dig myself deeper and deeper into denial.

Plans for the big day?? OH. Well, going camping with the other Alki gals at Maryhill State Park! I am very excited, for "God Bless America Tour 2008". It will be three days of hot hot hot camping, smores, silliness and maybe some windsurfing. This will be me:

So I have high hopes for 26. I think it will be a fantastic year!!

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