Friday, June 20, 2008


It is finally, finally here. After months of rain and wind and cold and gray and snow in April, SUMMER is here TODAY!

This morning, I excitedly threw on my white skirt and my new Nine West ($30 on clearance!) silver ballet flats to celebrate. I tossed my sunglasses into my bag, KNOWING I would use them today.

Words cannot express my love for this very season. Summer means sunshine (usually), BBQs, dusty flip flops, big coolers full of cold drinks, hitting the tennis court at 9 pm knowing you still have plenty of time to play, frisbees a-flyin, no more teachers and no more books, laziness, tans, watermelons at 2 cents a pound, eating outside, Mariners games with the roof open (ahem, more on that later), 4th of JULY (!!), flowers, gardens, and little ones splashing and squealing thru sprinklers wearing their teeny tiny swimsuits and not caring about a single thing. YES. I LOVE summer.

I have high hopes for this summer. I hope I get lots of cherry tomatoes off my one little plant. I hope the Mariners can get it together and preserve some kind of team dignity. I hope that Seattle gets the sunshine it deserves after a long, dark fall/winter/spring, and I REALLY hope to fully enjoy every little and big thing this season has to offer. Without spending $5/gallon to get there.

So. What do YOU love about summer? What are you looking forward to??

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