Sunday, August 30, 2009

Julie and Julia

So you all know I rarely post (on average about once a month), but I just could not let this go.


Two things, both worth mentioning:
1) The book is good, but the movie is GREAT. This never happens.

2) Do not go to theater for said movie on empty stomach (as I did). It is torture.

So much to love about this movie. Mid-20th centure France, Meryl, food, Stanley Tucci, food, Amy Adams, more food, moments to laugh out loud (thank you Julia), moments that lump catches in your throat, more food, Nora Epron, parallel storylines, blogger name in title, more Meryl, more food.

A perfect Sunday afternoon treat. Now, time for a proper Sunday dinner and a desperate online search for the lovely Julia's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking".

Bon Appetit!

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