Add me to the droves of people who intend to keep a blog and get to it, OHHHH, maybe once a month if they are lucky. Gosh. I didn't think I would be THAT blogger, but then again, I was never consistent at writing down my daily diatribes in my Minnie Mouse diary when I was a little gal, either. These habits are hard to break.
So what's new??
Lots of things!
I've planned a trip. I planted a strawberry pot. Got my hair cut/bobbed. Visited family. Missed the entire season of Grey's Anatomy but tuned in for the shocking shocking finale. Rediscovered Robert Frost. Went on a hike, celebrated birthdays, won and lost at tennis, ran through the rain. Got SUN. Sang. Tried reading Twilight and quit halfway through (what's all the fuss about?), played multiple multiple multiple rounds of ring around the rosy with toddlers, went to a few bars. Hula-hooped. Discussed wisdom and magic and bullshit. Shopped at farmers markets, had last Bible study of year with lovely girls. Got crabby. Got happy. Ate Pho. Napped. Gossiped. Giggled. Thought about boy. Got a $250 parking ticket. Watched a documentary on world water crisis. Began to love U District. Made a cake from scratch. Bought coffee almost every day. Fell asleep praying. Saw high school friends! Planned next tattoo. Wine, lots of wine. New ipod. More tennis. Beach. Work. Life.
There's a bit. And a few pics to illustrate the time between April 5 (last post) and May 21 (this one):
Next blog (I'm sure) will be a rave about all things Summer. I find I come to life this time of year. Everything just breathes easier when there are longer days, shorter nights, warmer weather, things blooming. Spring/Summer Julie is ALWAYS happy and carefree, lazy. Winter Julie?? Ooooh. Grumpier, foggier, less shiny version. Everything just looks better when you throw a little sun on it.
Get out there this Mem Day (LONG) weekend, all you people!! Fire up the grill, plant a little flower, sunburn, frisbee, do what you do! Whatever you do, be sure to love/enjoy/remember it.