A (well, almost) Happy New Year to you all!
I feel like New Year's is an odd holiday. If it's a holiday at all. There is the crush and rush that is Christmas and just as you're catching your breath, it is time to celebrate again. Time to say goodbye and turn up the calendar and hopefully get a few more things right this time. Time to take stock.
Moments after you finish Christmas dinner, you flip on the TV to see ad after ad for gym memberships, weight loss programs, countdown parties and big sales. We're barely through one moment before we're rushed to the next. At any rate, 2009 is nearly here, and with it comes the laundry lists of resolutions. Some will be forgotten as soon as they are made, a couple will be given the good college try and none (probably) will be kept. But I believe the resolution intent is good. Of course goals are good. My blog appropriate intentions for '09 include:
- Save more $$! Diversify! Sell! Sell! Sell!
- Not feel guilted into joining a gym. Not feel guilted into quitting coffee.
- Be more intentionally kind. And aware of my words.
- Begin planning, if not travel to, next international travel destination.
- Consider, investigate ongoing education. In one form or another. Whether this means pottery class or master's degree.
So, best wishes for a bright new year. Whether you're headed downtown or couchbound this evening, may you feel hope and joy for brand new start.
Oh, and the picture above. One day I will be in Vegas for New Years. Not Times Square. Who cares about a dropping ball?? I'll bet the strip does New Years up RIGHT.